Friday, April 19, 2013

Religion or Science?

It's 3:03 am, and I just finished my third tallboy of the night. For the controversy of this post, I might need another! This topic came up today as I was studying chemistry in my mom's living room. I was telling my little sister about the knowledge I have acquired during my schooling, pertaining to the beginnings of the Universe, and life on Earth. She asked me if I knew how humans came to be on Earth, in a mocking tone. Obviously I told her yes, and backed it by scientific knowledge of evolution. Evolution is no longer just a theory. It is proven that species have adapted and evolved to whatever environmental conditions they are living in. Although the big bang is just a Theory, it is backed by some pretty serious conclusions and assumptions about the continued expansion of the universe and the echoing sound of the big bang which can still be detected at it's frequency. I explained also about early Earth and how the conditions were right for life to spontaneously emerge (Miller-Urey experiment) and how atmospheric oxygen came to be. From here plants adapted to terrestrial conditions, as did some age old marine organisms that had an exoskeleton that could support their weight out of water. Despite all of the knowledge I rattled off straight from my chemistry and biology book, at the end she says: "I still believe something greater created all this." She is nine years old. I was born and raised with Christian beliefs, so I know where she is coming from. Even though my views are different (Love and Science are my Religion now), it is not my right to taint her views, nor any of my family members that believe different. I simply responded "That's good. You can argue that God was still at the start of it all, that he still set it all in motion, long before he created the human race "in his own image", as the Bible says. The origins of human life, and the origins of the Universe, are still not solid fact." Maybe some day they will be, but even then I won't hold it against any person choosing to believe what they want. I support our constitution and its first amendment with freedom of religion. Every one and possibly every organism needs something that they can believe in and hold on to. Let each individual form their own beliefs, based on their life experiences.


  1. I to believe let everyone have their own beliefs,but down to my own moral fiber it just makes since that there is no creation or god only the laws of nature.i have to see,smell hear touch stone cold hard facts,not believe in chance that a prayer will be answered.

  2. I'm right there with you! I believe current science fact rather than a 2000 year old book based on eye witness stories to create hope within a population.
