Sunday, April 14, 2013

How Ontario Is Putting an End To Coal-Burning Power Plants

Ontario relies on a good politic that is concerned with environmental issues such acid rain and wastewater treatment. Now, Ontario is trying to be the first industrial region in North America to eliminate all coal-fired electrical generation. Ontario’s transition to cleaner energy sources, particularly in the electrical sector, is a really good example and all the countries should do this. 

For this year, Ontario wants to close the last big coal-fired generator to become the first industrial region on the continent to eliminate coal-fired generation. The province wants to replace the fossil fuel energy by using new plants of natural gas and renewable energy sources. This is one of the most ambitious low-carbon generating strategies in the world.

More information:


  1. Hey this is really important information, I'm glad I read it. Considering the investment of the province Saskatchewan in the keystone XL pipeline, its good to see that canada isn't completely dependent on fossil fuels. Studying how they plan to manage the switch will be useful for other developed countries.

  2. I hope they stick with it and produce some results. This could potentially be a model that others can follow.

  3. Yes, switching to natural gas power plants reduces carbon emissions, but to me it just seems like another hole to throw money into instead of investing more in renewable energy sources. I do think that it is great that Canada is taking the initiative to move from coal and it's a first step, but a small one at that.
