Monday, April 8, 2013

Go Enjoy the Outdoors

A recent study in Scotland showed that people were less stressed when they went for a walk in a park rather than a shopping district or a busy commercial district. The study monitored brain activity in 12 healthy young adults and discovered the ones that went for a walk in a park were the least stressed and frustrated. I think this study is very important to remind people that natural settings can do so much more for you then being stuck in an urban setting. A walk in a park is not only good exercise, but it's a great way to take a much needed break from a busy lifestyle. If you'd like to read this study for yourself, the article's link is listed below or can be found on

With dead week and finals approaching, don't forget to go outside and enjoy a nice walk or go relax in a park. We can easily get caught up with the amount of things we need to get done rather than enjoying the beautiful weather outside. So remember, go enjoy the outdoors! It may help with your stress levels and attention span and who knows, it might even help you with your finals.


  1. I love this and it's really great advice. I know I definitely feel better after spending some time outdoors. I agree that taking advantage of the awesome weather and enjoying nature is a great stress reliever and everyone should make a little time to take a break and get outside.

  2. I like this advice. When you live this close to downtown, its really easy to just take a walk through the concrete jungle and be numbed by the bombardment of city noise. So instead of hitting the pavement, I'm going to try and hit the trail. Now if it would only stop raining...

  3. Thanks for sharing, this is a great reminder with finals and the end of the semester coming up! So often people go into the cities for fun and relaxation but with all the stimuli in the city I find it impossible to shut my brain off and take a break. I hope that one day more people will appreciate the serenity of nature!

  4. I spent some time outside on Sunday, and it did wonders for me! I feel so much less stressed, and getting out in the sunshine really brightened my mood. It's definitely motivational to get a little bit more homework done on a rainy day so the sunny days can be spent outside.

  5. This is the best advice I've read so far. I am always looking for an excuse to go outside, and if there is a study to back up my wish to go outside, I am all for it! Hopefully, the weather will cooperate during dead week and finals week and be nice enough to go outside!

  6. Excellent! Time outside in nature is the best medicine one can give themselves. So often we don't realize how easy it is to walk away from the computer, tv, etc and just go outside to spend some quality time with nature. It's good for the body, mind and soul.

  7. This study really rings true. I wonder if the same concept could be applied to couples. I'm sure regularly taking a walk in the park with your significant other could do wonders for a relationship without hardly any work involved.

  8. Really a feel good story, especially considering the rainy days lately. Its hard to look out over lincoln and see anything but gray. It makes me sad. The tiny green spaces on campus are the only somewhat natural places I see on a daily basis. I'd encourage anyone with a bike to ride out where the flower gardens are, they will be in bloom soon and hopefully beautiful as always.

  9. This is such great advice! Nothing takes my stress away faster than a quick run!

  10. Such a great article! This world needs to be a happier place and I believe nature and just being outside in general can help. If everyone took a minute evryday to go on a nature walk, like I try to do, they would be much less stressed out and serious.

    Welcome to spring and almost summer!!! :)

  11. Some great points. I think it brings up the question of how we can incorporate natural settings and views into our buildings and work spaces.
