Saturday, March 30, 2013

Help by Shrinking Your Habitat!

               Writer Christie Aschwanden of posted an article last week about aiplane travel and the surprising impact it has on climate issues. We all think of not taking a car or even a bus as our way of helping the climate change crisis, but I personally never thought of planes also.

               According to calculations from the German carbon offset group "Atmosfair," the average person should emit no more than 2.3 metric tons of CO2 annually. The author puts this in to perspective by mentioning that one roundtrip flight from Seattle to New York will emit 2.3 tons of CO2. That is a person's entire yearly amount in one trip! Obviously you have to take into account that there is usually more than just one person on an airplane, but you get the picture. The image turns even bleaker when you take into account a planes total emissions beyond just CO2. If you think about it, all plane emissions are released directly into the upper atmosphere, so the statistics on their global warming impact increase two to five times more when all emissions are included.
               In light of this new found knowledge the author made a pledge to only live in a "100-mile habitat" for the next year. She drew a 100-mile radius around her city and decided she would not travel outside of that circle for 365 days. Although only a small percentage of the world actually uses air travel, the message of staying close to home is still useful. She used this as a way to discover new and exciting people, places, and things closer to home. I love the idea of reducing your climate impact, while being able to discover all your city has to offer. Find your favorite new restaurant, nature spot, local event, and whatever else you want to explore. Try new things, go to new places, and meet new people. Lincoln may be better than you think!


  1. This is very interesting because I've never really thought about the damage planes can have. I like the idea and message of staying close to home, but it can be extremely difficult when family members are far away from you. For me, at least, it would be difficult staying home and not being able to see my family members for a whole year. Just something to think about. :)

  2. I have never thought about how much of an impact a plane has on the CO2 emissions. This is just another form of the saying "Think Global, Act Local." This would be another excuse to explore Lincoln and all of the cool places nearby that you might not know about yet.

  3. This topic is really food for thought. I see the need to reduce the CO2 emissions from planes and cars and travel because one plane emitting 2.3 tons is rediculous, but I also really enjoy experiencing culture from other parts of the country and the world. I could live within 100 miles for a year, but at the end of that year, I'd be itching to explore somewhere new.
