Monday, March 25, 2013

Coal Kills Globally

After watching the documentary, “The Last Mountain” a few weeks ago, the events happening in West Virginia were shocking to witness. Coal emission is having an impact on both the natural landscape of the region, but also causing detrimental health hazards for many citizens. Not only has the United States been affected by coal emission, but other countries are dealing with the effects as well. India is dealing with the rise of health conditions from the major increase of power capacity with coal. Many of India’s major cities are being affected and over 20 million asthma cases have been reported from the emissions.

The India Beyond Coal project is trying to push for alternative energy sources. As the increase of coal emissions occurs, it is increasing the amount of health hazards for citizens of India. Coal emission is not just a concern for US citizens, but also citizens of the world. The problem is increasing globally and is something that we should become concerned about. It is time for all to come together to take action in the cause. We need to consider how alternative energy sources can help prevent coal emissions exposure and improve the increase of health hazards. Many people are being negatively affected from the issue. By working together globally, hopefully we can make others aware of this issue and start considering the use of alternative energy sources. If you would like to read more information, I recommended the following links


1 comment:

  1. Coal is the dirtiest of all fossil fuels, and I'm just appalled that it's the major source of energy for numerous countries in the world. Coal mining decreases the quality of life for everyone around a site, and the acidic run off can destroy water ecosystems. On top of that, some of the ways we get our coal, in the case of the US: mountaintop removal is absolutely atrocious. So many people are impacted by the environmental destruction that comes from coal mining, and it still happens. In fact, the demand for coal keeps increasing, creating more environmental destruction. I hope the governments of the world see the health impacts of coal and switch to renewable energy sources soon.
