Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bicycle Deliveries

Most people learn how to ride bikes when they are little kids. Bikes are used for recreation, exercise, competition, transportation and a number of other purposes. I think bicycles have an even greater potential for uses in our society, though. Recently, had a post about the increasing number of bicycle delivery companies in major cities like Portland, New York City and Chicago. I think these companies have a great niche market and could definitely help reduce traffic in large cities, also reducing the amount of carbon emissions at least by a little bit. 

The way the companies work is they haul loads of materials behind their bicycles, usually in big containers or trailers:


Bikes can really do a lot more than people might think. Usually, the vehicles conducting these inner-city deliveries are big ol' diesel trucks- which snarl traffic and are more dangerous to bicyclists and pedestrians because of the drivers' limited sight area. Several companies are combining using trucks and bicycles by hauling their materials in trucks from the production warehouses and then loading the supplies into bike trailers to do deliveries in the city. I think it would be awesome if FedEx and UPS jumped on the bandwagon and started doing bike deliveries like this too. There are already a number of restaurants in the Lincoln area that offer bike delivery for their food, and it would be cool to see this spread to other types of businesses as well. 

Here's a video that talks more about the specifics of being a bicycle delivery person. 

--Cristina Woodworth


  1. I love hearing about people using their bikes, especially for deliveries. It is really a waste for delivery to be done by cars especially if its only in a small concentrated area. It is easier to maneuver, park, and no gas price, so the companies that implemented this would save so much. Also it is a lot more fun to ride bikes as well as a way to remain active!

  2. I think its awesome that companies are starting to become more environmentally conscious. Not only does using bikes for deliveries in concentrated areas make sense, it save them money. Its a win, win. Save the environment and cut back in some cost areas. If more companies would make the switch to bike delivery, there could be potential for large cuts in carbon emission that is coming from the cars and semis they currently use to make deliveries. Plus, riding your bike is great exercise.

  3. I agree, its neat to see companies adopting more environmentally friendly methods of delivering goods. It makes more sense in cities and concentrated areas because in most cases delivery by bike can be accomplished much quicker than car and it will save the companies money. Bike delivery is a great visual way to raise awareness to green transportation. It just takes one company to get the ball rolling and other companies will follow!

  4. My brother lives in portland and is a bicyclist. He bikes 10 miles to school and back everyday and he tells me that some parts of portland are more biker friendly than they are for drivers. I would never think that the road caters more towards bikes than they do cars. But this gives us bikers here in lincoln something to strive for. This delivery idea is a great start!
