Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Importance of Water Scarcity Awareness

Movie Website! (Trailer Included)

In my water science course, which most of you are taking as well, we watched a movie about the scarcity of water called "Last Call at the Oasis."  For those of you who have not had the chance to see this movie, you really should consider it.  If I could somehow force every American to watch this movie I would.  Not only does it point out the many things we are doing to make water scarcity accelerate, it shows some solutions that many people are opposed to.  A part of this movie that really stood out to me was the fact that many Americans will not try recycled drinking water, something that supplies Singapore with 30% of their drinking water.  I believe that if people had a heightened level of awareness on the delicacy of water, they would be willing to drink recycled water in order to preserve the amount we have available to us at this point.  It is shown in the film that it is pure and tastes normal.  If people were not told that is what they are drinking they would have no idea.

That being said, I believe that everyone should take note of this and really pay attention to the amount of water they use on a day-to-day basis.  Personally, I have found many ways to decrease the amount of water that I use/waste.  I am going to go ahead and use that cheesy line "think of the children."  :)

People should pay attention BEFORE the United States reaches the scarcity level.

-Sarah Spier :)


  1. I have not yet seen the video about water sacristy but it sounds interesting and a good point to bring up to peoples attention.

  2. Recycled water is an interesting concept. I do think this would be beneficial others things than drinking water. While we have put quite an expectation on our drinking water (bottled water, "filtered" water, etc) I personally would not try to intentionally drinking water that used to be sewage. I would however consider using it on my garden, etc. Either way, alternatives need to be made to help reduce the water crisis.
